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  Both pro-private-cattle ranchers and pro-wild-elk activists were surprised by the National Park Service’s news release about its proposal to dismantle the controversial 3-mile-long, 8-foot-tall Tule Elk Reserve fence at Point Reyes National Seashore. The Park Service’s proposal signals a reversal of 45 years of Park Service policy of fencing in the park’s largest herd …

  It didn’t take long for the National Park Service’s (NPS) quiet, low-key email “News Release” to its subscribers at 11am PT on Friday, June 9, 2023, to cause a commotion. Because the one-page document contained this long sentence (bolding added): Based on the review of public comments and internal scoping, NPS has identified a …

World leaders are ignoring the cause of pandemics: destruction of nature

World leaders ignoring role of destruction of nature in causing pandemics – Damian Carrington, Environment editor, June 4, 2021   EXCERPT: Ending the destruction of nature to stop outbreaks at source is more effective and cheaper than responding to them, scientists say. The root cause of pandemics, the destruction of nature, is being ignored, scientists …

MORE ACTIONS YOU CAN TAKE TO HELP THE ELK, including contacting politicians & officials, are near the bottom of this lengthy webpage. The Tule elk are only the largest, most visible Point Reyes wildlife species being threatened, harmed, and even killed by current NPS (National Park Service) policies which favor for-profit business operations in the park over the …


Want to get out from behind a desk and safely be outside in the natural world to actually DO something to help with your feet, hands, body, voice and heart? Sign up with the green button above to be notified of upcoming actions and events you can participate in. All demonstrations and actions are peaceful, organized, …