Donate | Support

Support TreeSpirit’s environmental activism and advocacy.

Your donation — choose amount below — directly supports TreeSpirit’s mission: advocacy, education, activism and artwork to protect wild forests, wild animals, and the natural world which sustains us all.

To make a larger, tax-deductible donation…

TreeSpirit has a registered 501(c)3 non-profit fiscal sponsor, the Paula Lane Action Network (PLAN).  For these donations, make a check payable to:Paula Lane Action Network and put “TreeSpirit Project” on the memo line.
Mail check to: P.L.A.N. | P.O. Box 715 | Petaluma, CA 94953

Questions? Email Jack.

Never doubt that a small group of

thoughtful, committed citizens 

can change the world.

Indeed, it is the only thing that

ever has.


– Margaret Mead

Venmo-Jack-Gescheidt-TreeSpirit-Project-DONATION-QR-codeDONATE to the TreeSpirit Project with the form below, or by scanning the Venmo QR code:



Now go outside and spend time among trees…. especially now during the pandemic and all the other stresses people are now subjected to.  It will do your body, your mind and your soul a world of good.