SIGN UP for e-News to be notified of events & demonstrations
“Sky-Jack Podcasts”
with Jack & filmmaker Skyler Thomas
9am (PT) every Tuesday AM (12 noon ET)
Point Reyes Tule Elk Fence-down Cows-out Celebration
March 1, 2026 – An incredible group of thoughtful, committed citizens & activists gathered to celebrate the biggest, cleanest, coolest, most wild elk-friendliest improvements to Point Reyes National Seashore since this national park was founded in 1962.
Tens of thousands of Americans wrote the National Park Service, wanting the magnificent Tule elk of Point Reyes to be freed from their fenced confinementin a 2,600-acre, so-called “Tule Elk Reserve” which was responsible for killing hundreds of elk in recent years.
Concerned citizens, national park fans, along with environmental and animal protection organization and activists, did dozens of demonstrations in the park, over years, winning media & public attention.
Two lawsuits and years later, the National Park Service announced (Dec. 2024, Jan. 2025) that the 2,600-acre Reserve fence will be dismantled, allowing all 3 of the park’s elk herds to for the first time in 46 years, roam freely, miz, mate and incense their numbers across all of the park’s 71,000 acres.
In addition, 12 of the 14 dairy and beef cow ranches are being paid, by the Nature Conservancy, to move their poor (overbred, overmilked, killed young) cows out of the park by mid-2026.
VIDEO: Point Reyes Tule Elk Activists Recognition
Ranchers got a great deal too: millions of dollars just to stop lobbying and suing the federal government for lease extensions they feel entitled to.(Wouldn’t YOU like to be paid millions to not take your landlord to court because he won’t renew your lease because you trashed the place?)
SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Emmy Award-winning narrator, actor, author and activist Peter Coyote (who lived near Point Reyes in the 1960s).
This event was co-sponsored by In Defense of Animals and Turtle Island Restoration Network.
Marin Coalition – PANEL TALK – The History & Future of Point Reyes National Park
1-2:30 pm Thursday, March 6th, 2025
Dominican University (Creekside Room), San Rafael, CA
5 speakers will talk all about Point Reyes National Seashore, from very different perspectives.
1) Author John Hart has written the book on the history of Point Reyes ranching.
2) Retired attorney and wildlife photographer Jim Coda will discuss the hot topic of the park’s founders intentions for cattle ranching — to continue indefinitely or not.
3) Erik Molvar is Executive Director of The Western Watersheds Project, one of the plaintiffs in the recently settled lawsuit against the National Park Service — resulting in the biggest changes to this national park’s policies in 46 years: removing thousands of privately-owned dairy & beef cows which are the park’s greatest source of land, water and air pollution.
4) Stephanie Moreda-Arend, a 5th generation Petaluma, CA dairy farmer who advocates for small, family-owned dairy farms.
She can be found on social media as “Dairy Girl Diaries.”
5) TreeSpirit’s own Jack Gescheidt, will offer what he considers the broadest overview perspective on what the Point Reyes conflict and controversy is really all about. And why this backyard national park, just north of San Francisco, has national and even international significance.
Followed by over 1/2-hour of audience Q&A.
Snacks, coffee & tea included in $18 fee (for venue rental).
Only 75 seats available for this Special Event. First come, first served.
1-2:30pm, Thursday, April 6th, 2025, at the Creekside Room of Dominican University, #100 Magnolia Ave., San Rafael, CA 949101
For more information, contact Jack Gescheidt.
Giant Coast Redwoods Experience
Sept. 4th-7th, 2025
It’s into the forest we go, to lose our minds, and find our souls.
Bathe in the uplifting, inspiring energy of the world’s tallest trees for 3 full days & nights with Jack and his support team. Tree and nature fans travel from around the world to be among these giant, ancient trees that grow only on the northern California coast (into southern Oregon).
A small, intimate group of fellow tree lovers creates an unforgettable experience — which includes your own TreeSpirit portrait and print, LIKE THESE.
DAY/DATES: 6pm Thursday, Sept. 4th thru 5pm Sunday Sept. 7th, 2025.
Email Jack for details.
TreeSpirit emails avg. once every 3 weeks. The list is never shared nor sold. Not ever.
• Suggest a specific tree or forest to protect: HERE
• Have a great idea for a TreeSpirit event? Use the form below:
“Tule Elk Virtual (ZOOM) Town Hall #3”
3pm PT, Thurs., May 23rd, 2024

Host Jack Gescheidt, elk hugger
REGISTER for this Zoom webinar with TreeSpirit’s Jack Gescheidt to learn about the current — and final — Public Comment period (ending June 5th, 2024). You can help free the Tule elk confined at Point Reyes National Seashore. Participate in of an historic change in NPS (National Park Service) wildlife policy!
For the first time in 45 years, the NPS has proposed dismantling the deadly, 8-foot-tall, 3-mile-long fence of the Tule Elk Reserve which has killed hundreds of elk in recent years. (The fence prevents elk from reaching enough food and water during summer-autumn drought.)
The NPS finally responded to years of public pressure and media shaming, and is in the middle of the long, bureaucratic process required to remove the fence. This is the final public input before the NPS returns with a Final Decision, which we hope will be fence removal. Tell ’em that’s what you want!
At this 3rd “Tule Elk Virtual Town Hall” at 3pm, Thursday, May. 23rd, 2024 and I’ll provide an overview, instructions to Comment, and answer your questions. Co-hosted by In Defense of Animals’ Campaigns Manager, Lisa Levinson.
• GO TO TreeSpirit’s Tule elk webpage.
2023 Earth Day FOREST ACTION: Sat. April 22
Forest Protection ACTION PHOTO | Tomales Bay State Park, 10am Saturday, April 22nd, 2023
WHO: If you believe dense forests are precious, beautiful, carbon-storing, O2-producing, wild animal habitats, not dangerous threats to be “managed” with chainsaws and gas-powered masticators and chippers. Nor “treated” with toxic herbicides. (This assault is planned for this forest, by Cal Parks and Cal Fire.) LEARN MORE.
WHAT: A COMMUNITY GATHERING of in-person, living, non-virtual people! People who care passionately about all forests, including this one, and all the wild animals who live here. A powerful, fun, peaceful, organized event.
Unplug from the internet, and recharge your soul in this forest this Earth Day: Sat., April 22nd @ 10am. Stay & play the whole day in this forest. Bring your body, open your heart, and walk a mile to celebrate and protect this healthy forest from a massive, forest-destroying, assault-for-dollars.
We’ll make a community PHOTOGRAPH to raise awareness about the imminent threat to this beautiful Marin County forest — 10 years of trail closures, tree felling, plant killing and herbide spraying. LEARN MORE.
A massive, destructive, tree-felling and plant-killing operation will begin this autumn (2023). It’s a multi-million dollar make-work project for two California state agencies that want to get millions of dollars of CA’s wildfire danger funds. But this project has nothing to do with wildfire safety. Its proponents falsely claim that forests must be destroyed to make people safe from wildfire. The opposite is true.
THE PUBLIC IS BEING CONNED. This lush, healthy, Tomales Bay-side forest is being targeted for industrial “management.” A destructive make-work project. LEARN MORE.
Tule Elk (Virtual) Town Hall
1pm PT Thursday, July 20th, 2023.

Host Jack Gescheidt, elk hugger
LEARN ALL ABOUT The National Park Service’s spring surprise proposal to dismantle the fence of the Tule Elk Reserve at Point Reyes National Seashore — which would free this herd of elk after 45 years!
The Park Service seems to have finally responded to literally years of public pressure and media shaming, by initiating a process to remove the 3-mile-long, 8-foot-tall fence responsible for killing hundreds of the rare Tule elk inside the park’s so-called “Reserve.”
Have Point Reyes Tule elk QUESTIONS? We have (some) answers in this Zoom presentation. I’ll give an overview, and then take your questions. Co-hosted by In Defense of Animals’ Campaigns Manager, Lisa Levinson.
LEARN MORE about the Tule elk at Point Reyes National Seashore.
REGISTER HERE (and get a reminder email):
Jack Gescheidt TreeSpirit PRESENTATION
“Why Loving Trees Will Save Our Souls — And Our Asses”
SF Wellness Central Vegan Events
6PM Wednesday, DEC. 4, 2019
$15 – includes full course dinner!
WHERE: San Francisco Opera Plaza Community Room
601 Van Ness Ave, SF, CA
A wide-ranging and lively talk. Topics include how Jack’s being an environmental tree/forest advocate led to his examining his food choices. Of interest to anyone daring enough to be open-minded and learn more about how our consumer choices have a bigger impact on the environment than most of us know (or perhaps want to know).
In fact, what we choose to eat is arguably our greatest political and environmental power in our consumer society. Independent of corporate behavior, while simultaneously influencing it, food choices are a potent tool for reducing our fossil fuels consumption, our carbon footprint, and global warming. LEARN MORE.
VIDEOS and Audience Q&A.
4th Annual SoCal Thanksgiving TreeSpirit PHOTO – Pasadena, CA
2pm, Sunday, November 17, 2019

“L.A. Rocks” made in 2018
FREE Thanksgiving season FUN – now a holiday tradition 4 years running! Arroyo del Sol, a clothing-optional Bed & Breakfast near Pasadena, CA is once again hosting a TreeSpirit photo, meeting on their lovely, private property. We’ve had so much fun in 2016 and 2017 and 2018 (“L.A. Rocks” 2018 photo, at left)
All are welcome to join this unique, outdoor, art-making experience outdoors — an experience you CANNOT have on your smartphone! Join out in the real, natural world to create a community “TreeSpirit” photo(s)with Jack Gescheidt.
All body shapes, sizes, colors, ages, genders are welcomed and appreciated. The only requirement is that you feel an attraction to, or an affection for, trees and the natural world.
PHYSICAL ABILITY NOTE: This year we may walk (leisurely) 1 mile to our location (and then 1 mile back). Unfortunately it is NOT wheelchair accessible. Email Jack if you have questions or to be put on the guest list for this invite-only guest list.
Each participant will receive a digital version of the final photo to enjoy. Prints of the final photograph will be made available for purchase, which supports the TreeSpirit Project mission.
WHERE & WHEN: Meet 2pm Sunday, November 17, Pasadena, CA. Finishing time approx. 5pm.
TO PARTICIPATE, SIGN UP on the confidential email Guest List for directions and details: Email Jack by clicking on this paragraph.
CLICK to see previous Arroyo del Sol TreeSpirit photographs.
MAKE TreeSpirit PHOTOS with Jack Gescheidt @ 2019 “SoulPlay FallFest”
Mandala Springs retreat center, Lake County, CA (2.5 hr. drive from SF)
Sept. 19-22, 2019 (Thursday-to-Sunday)
A soulful community gathering in the stunning natural setting of with creek, pond, hiking trails, meditation garden and swimming pool in Lake County, California — perfect for new TreeSpirit group photos I’ll be making there! SoulPlay FallFest includes workshops, ecstatic dance, live & DJ’d music, outdoor yoga and meditation and healthy food — all in the restorative, invigorating natural surroundings.
For 2019, SoulPlay FallFest is welcoming families and children, so more people of all ages can enjoy heart-opening connections, outdoor play, and the inevitable inner renewal that comes from simply being outside in nature. Join us in creating a healthier future with more community and more connection with the natural world.
Jack’s TreeSpirit photo opportunities over the 3 days are open to all and welcoming to all body shapes, sizes, colors, ages & genders. The only requirement is to feel an attraction to, or affection for, trees and the natural — and a willingness to express this with your body.
SEE gallery of TreeSpirit photographs
Each participant receives a digital version of the photos. Prints are available for purchase, discounted for participants. All print proceeds support TreeSpirit’s mission.
“Walk In Your Nature”
Sunday, June 2, 2019. 11am-4pm
Marin County, CA
Put down your phone, turn off the TV, unplug your head from your computer. Move your body. Relax your mind. Awaken your senses — and feel joy in the moment.
Join TreeSpirit founder Jack Gescheidt and Cara Gardner of Heartland Healing Arts on a meditative, restorative, 1/2-day renewal in the remote, woods of west Marin County, CA. Just 35 min. from the GG Bridge, but far from other people, crowds, and busy-ness.
Take a restorative break from your life’s problems with a unique mix of meditation, contemplation, walking, appreciating, quiet, silence and sharing in a small group of fellow forest lovers in a stunning natural setting.
PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Walk a leisurely 5-6 miles on narrow dirt trails on steep hills. (Not sure you’re up for it? Email Jack; see below.)
FEE: $45-70 sliding scale in advance (non-refundable);
$50-75 sliding scale day of. Limited to 10 people.
MEET: 10:45am, Sunday, June 2nd, 2019 @ Heartland Healing Arts, #2410 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. (@ Oak Manor Drive), Fairfax, CA 94930
TO SIGN UP: email Jack: jack-AT-TreeSpiritProject-DOT-COM
Earth Day Celebration Sunday 4.28.19 @ 5pm
Stafford Lake Park, Novato, Marin County, CA. All are welcome to join this fun, outdoor art-making experience in honor of last week’s Earth Day. Co-create a “TreeSpirit” photograph with founder, Jack Gescheidt.
All ages, colors, genders, and shape & size bodies are welcomed and appreciated.
One Requirement: That you feel affection for trees and the natural world.
Each participant receives a digital version of the final photo. (Canvas and limited edition Fine Art prints are available for purchase. All proceeds support TreeSpirit’s mission.)
WHERE & WHEN: 5pm Sunday, April 28, 2019. Stafford Lake Park during “Sunset Sound System” Music Festival, Novato, Marin County, CA. (Meeting details disclosed to sign-ups w. your email and mobile #). A unique, nature-lover’s way to celebrate Earth Day, Spring, and the return of CA’s glorious warm weather with this moveable forest-lover’s feast.
3rd Annual SoCal Thanksgiving PHOTO – Pasadena, CA
Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018 @ 1pm
FREE Thanksgiving season FUN – a holiday tradition! Arroyo del Sol, a clothing-optional Bed & Breakfast near Pasadena, CA is once again hosting a private photo from their lovely, private property — because we had such fun in 2016 and 2017 (photo at left on the cover of N Mag).
All are welcome to join this unique, outdoor, art-making experience outdoors — one you CAN’T do on your phone! Join in creating a group “TreeSpirit” photo(s)with TreeSpirit founder, Jack Gescheidt.
All body shapes, sizes, colors, ages, genders are welcomed and appreciated. The only requirement is that you feel an attraction to trees and the natural world.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This year we will walk (leisurely) 1 mile to our location (and eventually 1 mile back). Unfortunately it is NOT wheelchair accessible. Email Jack if you have questions. And email Jack to be put on the guest list for the invite-only guest list.
Each participant receives a digital version of the final photo. Prints of the final photograph will be made available for purchase, which supports TreeSpirit’s mission.
WHERE & WHEN: Sunday, Nov. 11, 2019, 1pm @ Arroyo del Sol, Altadena, CA.
YOU MUST SIGN UP: Email Jackto join the exclusive Guest List for directions & details.
CLICK to see previous Arroyo del Sol TreeSpirit photographs.
Jack Gescheidt TreeSpirit PRESENTATION
VegCurious Petaluma
Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018. 6:30PM
WHERE: 7th Day Adventist Church
2695 Petaluma Blvd North
Petaluma, CA 94952
(6 min. from downtown)
Jack will discuss how being an environmental tree/forest advocate led to examining the foods he eats. This talk, like this Petaluma “VegCurious” group, is open to anyone daring to be open-minded and learn more about how our food choices have a bigger impact on the environment than most of us know (or perhaps want to know).
In fact, what we choose to eat is arguably our greatest political and environmental power in our consumer society. Independent of corporate behavior, while simultaneously influencing it, food choices are a potent tool for reducing our fossil fuels consumption, our carbon footprint, and global warming. LEARN MORE.
Q&A. And of course TreeSpirit photos and videos.
2nd Annual SoCal Thanksgiving PHOTO
Sat., Nov. 25, 2017 @ 2:30pm.
A new Thanksgiving tradition! – Arroyo del Sol, a clothing-optional Bed & Breakfast near Pasadena, CA is again hosting a private photo on their lovely, private property — because we had such a fun time in 2016. All are welcome to join this fun, outdoor art-making experience, creating a “TreeSpirit” photowith TreeSpirit founder, Jack Gescheidt.
All body shapes, sizes, colors, ages, genders are welcomed and appreciated. The only requirement is that you feel an attraction to trees and the natural world.
Each participant receives a digital version of the final photo. Prints of the final photograph will be made available for purchase, which supports TreeSpirit’s mission.
WHERE & WHEN: Sat., Nov. 25, 2017, 2:30pm @ Arroyo del Sol, Altadena, CA.
SIGN UP: Email Jack to join the exclusive Guest List and get directions.
CLICK to see last year’s Arroyo del Sol TreeSpirit photos (Nov. 2016).
MAKE TreeSpirit PHOTOS with Jack Gescheidt @ “SoulPlay FallFest”
Lair of the Golden Bear, Pinecrest, CA (3 hr. drive from SF)
Sept. 15-17, 2017, 1pm Friday to 5pm Sunday
A soulful community gathering in the stunning natural setting of the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California — perfect for new TreeSpirit group photos I’ll be making there! SoulPlay FallFest includes workshops, ecstatic dance, live & DJ’d music, outdoor yoga and meditation, warm & hot pools, and healthy food — all in the restorative, invigorating natural surroundings at 5,600-ft elevation at this rustic Tuolumne County retreat 40 miles NW of Yosemite Nat’l Park.
For 2017, SoulPlay FallFest is expanding to include families and children, so more people of all ages can enjoy heart-opening connections, outdoor play, and the inevitable inner renewal that comes from simply being outside in nature.
Jack’s TreeSpirit photo opportunities over the 3 days are open and welcoming to all body shapes, sizes, colors, ages & genders. The only requirement is to feel an attraction to, or affection for, trees and nature — and want to express this with your body.
SEE gallery of TreeSpirit photographs
Each participant receives a digital version of the photos. Prints are available for purchase, discounted for participants. All proceeds support TreeSpirit’s mission.
“What The Health” doc. film 1-night-only screening
Fairfax Theater, Cinema West (Marin County)
9 Broadway, Fairfax, CA
7:30-9:30PM, Thursday, April 20, 2017
“What The Health” is the new, daring documentary from the makers of “Cowspiracy.”
Join TreeSpirit founder Jack Gescheidt for a 1-night-only screening — followed by audience discussion — of Big Pharma’s and Big Ag’s affects on YOUR health, your family’s health, and America’s health. Be empowered — learn what’s really going on and what you can do about it.
**SPECIAL GUEST added: Dr. Alan Goldhamer, DC, founder of The True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, CA, interviewed in the film, will join us for the Q&A afterwards!
$12 advance tickets ONLY, no tickets at the door!
GET TICKETS HERE, NOW (none sold at the door!).
Bare Necessities “Dare to Bare” 2017 Caribbean cruise.See Itinerary
February 5-14, 2017
Join Jack on a 9-day clothing-optional cruise* aboard the Celebrity Pride cruise ship, with 2,000 of the friendliest, least uptight, most fun-loving people you’ll ever meet. Enjoy people, sun, sea — and tree — lovers for 9 days.
Jack will make large, group TreeSpirit photographs at one or more of the private island destinations along the way. Then see these new TreeSpirit photographs, and more, in Jack’s at-sea presentations.
*What IS a “clothing-optional” cruise, you ask?LEARN MORE.
Are Eucalyptus Trees Going To Kill Us All?!
So shouldn’t we kill them all first?
Open Secret Community Center,
923 C St. (betw. 3rd & 4th St.) San Rafael, CA
7:00-9:30PM, Sat., Jan. 27, 2016
Join TreeSpirit founder Jack Gescheidtfor a timely presentation — with audience discussion — of issues involved in the ongoing programs in the SF Bay Area —and nationwide — to kill so-called “invasive species,” including cutting down hundreds of thousands of eucalyptus trees in the Bay Area.
• What is a “native”species – is there any such thing?
• “invasives,” and “invasions;”
• the “flammability” of eucalyptus trees – hazard or hype?
• “Invasion Biology” and its roots;
• why these phrases necessitate quotation marks; their inconcise meanings;
• arguments for and against all of the above
• the infamous 1991 Oakland-Berkeley hills fire — its causes and chance of recurrence
• audience Q&A— your involvement is encouraged
$10 Advance tickets, call Open Secret: 415-457-4191. $15 at the door. Proceeds support The TreeSpirit Project and Open Secret Community Center.
PHOTO EVENT: TreeSpirit in SoCal
TreeSpirit GROUP PHOTO by Jack Gescheidt atArroyo del Sol clothing-optional Bed & Breakfast, Altadena, CA (near Pasadena). All are welcome to join this fun, outdoor art-making experience, creating a “TreeSpirit” photographwith TreeSpirit founder, Jack Gescheidt.
All body shapes, sizes, colors, ages, genders are welcomed and appreciated. The only requirement is that you feel an attraction to or affection for trees and the natural world.
Each participant receives a digital version of the final photo. A Fine Art Print of the final photograph will be made available for purchase, which supports TreeSpirit’s mission.
WHERE & WHEN: Friday., Nov. 25, 3pm @ Arroyo del Sol, Altadena, CA.
CLICK HERE to see the TreeSpirit photographs we made this day.
“Why Loving Trees Will Save Our Souls — and Our Asses”
3:30PM Sunday, November 13, 2016
San Francisco, CA Green Festival
November 11, 12, 13, 2016
WHERE: Pier 35, The Embarcadero, SF, CA 94133
3-day expo: Fri, Sat., Sun., Nov. 11, 12, 13.
HOURS: Fri 12-6pm / Sat 10am-6pm / Sun 10am-5pm
America’s largest, longest-running sustainability and green living expos are Green Festivals: vibrant, dynamic community marketplaces where companies and orgs showcase green products & services, where people learn how to live healthier, more environmentally sustainable lives.
Jack Gescheidt PRESENTATION:
“Why Loving Trees Will Save Our Souls —
and Our Asses”
Monday, Oct. 17, 2016, 7-9pm – Palo Alto, CA
Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter
3921 E. Bayshore Road, Suite 204, Palo Alto, CA 94303
This presentation is free, and open to the general public.
PHOTO EVENT: Sat., Oct. 8, 2016, 5pm – Laguna del Sol
GROUP TreeSpirit PHOTOGRAPH with Jack Gescheidt at Laguna del Sol clothing-optional resort in Wilton, CA. All were welcome to join this fun, outdoor adventure: creating a large “TreeSpirit” photo with environmental artist Jack Gescheidt, TreeSpirit’s founder.
All body shapes, sizes and ages were welcomed and appreciated for the TreeSpirited fun.
Purchase Fine Art Prints of the final photographs which supports TreeSpirit’s mission.
PHOTO EVENT: Sat., July 30, 2016, 4pm – Lupin Lodge
GROUP TreeSpirit PHOTOGRAPH with Jack Gescheidt at Lupin Lodge clothing-optional resort in Los Gatos, CA. All were welcome to join this fun, outdoor adventure: creating a large “TreeSpirit” photo with environmental artist Jack Gescheidt, TreeSpirit’s founder.
All body shapes, sizes and ages were welcomed and appreciated for the TreeSpirited fun.
Purchase Fine Art Prints of the final photographs, which supports TreeSpirit’s mission.
Jack Gescheidt PRESENTATION:Why are Berkeley & Oakland forests being cut down and herbicided? And what you can do about it!
Hundreds of thousands of healthy trees are being targeted for destruction; SF East Bay forests that nurture you, your children and your grandchildren. Thousands of gallons of Monsanto Roundup and Dow Garlon are included, to poison plants, land, waterways, children, adults, pets, and wildlife.
WHEN: 2pm-4pm, Sunday, August 28, 2016.
WHERE: Redwood Gardens Apartments Community Room, 2951 Derby St. (at Claremont Blvd (NOT Claremont Ave.; also near Belrose Ave.), Berkeley, CA.
Jack Gescheidt Tour / Talk: Sunday, August 7, 2016, 4pm
“Signpost 29” TOUR #2, Berkeley, CA.At mile marker 29, on Claremont Ave., in Claremont Canyon, Berkeley, CA.
JOIN Jack Gescheidt, TreeSpirit’s founder, to see for yourself what a massive deforestation plan, under the guise of “habitat restoration” and “fire danger mitigation,” looks like.
DIRECTIONS: MEET 4pm at “Signpost 29,” a mile marker on Claremont Ave. approx. 1.4 miles uphill/east on Claremont Ave. from the Claremont Hotel. (1/2-mile downhill/west of Grizzly Peak Blvd.) Parking is limited, so arrive early. Wear shoes with good tread for dirt fire road/trails.
LEARN MORE about the 450,000-tree clearcuts & herbicides plan for over 2,000 acres of Berkeley & Oakland hillsides.
• Jack Gescheidt Presentation:
“Why Loving Trees Will Save Our Souls — and Our Asses.”
2016 Soil Not Oil Conference, Richmond Memorial Civic Center Plaza, 403 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA, 94804.
Drummond Room. August 6, 2016 (5pm)
• Jack Gescheidt presents “The Forest & The Sea of Stumps” documentary short film by Doug Prose. Richmond Public Library Main Branch, 325 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA, 94804. Followed by discussion.
Part ofThe Soil Not Oil Conference. August 3, 2016
• TreeSpirit photograph @ Lupin Lodge Western Naturist Gathering, Saturday, July 30, 2016. Two new photographs were made: 1) Redwoods Glen and 2) Electric Forest
• Jack Gescheidt “Signpost 29” Tour #1, Claremont Ave., Berkeley, CA. “Restoration” – or forest clearcut?
See for yourself a sample of the massive deforestation and herbicides plan looks like, where a healthy, dense eucalyptus forest once grew. Thousands of trees were destroyed by UC Berkley, under the guise of “habitat restoration” and “fire danger mitigation.” 10am, Sunday, July 24, 2016
• Jack Gescheidt emcees Community Presentation to Save 450,000 SF Bay Area trees, @ Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, Berekely, CA. Speakers include: TreeSpirit Project founder Jack Gescheidt, documentary filmmaker Doug Prose, Hills Conservation Network President Dan Grassetti, former Chief of Fire Prevention at Oakland, CA Army Base Dave Maloney, Connie Barker of the Environmental Health Network’s Connie Barker, and more. 6:30-9pm, Sunday, July 10, 2016
• Jack Gescheidt TreeSpirit PRESENTATION @ NYC, NY, Green Festival (Jacob Javits Convention Center)
4:30pm, Sat., April 16, 2016
• Jack Gescheidt TreeSpirit PRESENTATION @ Portland, OR, Green Festival (Oregon Convention Center)
2:30pm, Sat., Dec. 12, 2015
• Jack Gescheidt TreeSpirit PRESENTATION @ San Francisco, CA, Green Festival, 2:30pm, Sat., Nov. 14, 2015
• 450,000-TREE DEFORESTATION Expert Panel Presentation with AUDIENCE Q&A
7-10pm Thursday, November 19, 2015
Oakland Center for Spiritual Living, 5000 Clarewood Drive, Oakland, CA 94618
A panel of experts with decades of experience and in-depth knowledge of the plan to cut down 450,000 trees in the Oakland and Berekeley hills, then use thousands of gallons of herbicides (Dow Garlon™ & Monsanto Roundup™) on the stumps for years following, will detail its history, evolution and details, and then answer your questions. READ CLEARCUT PLAN DETAILS.
1-HOUR AUDIENCE Q&A – to get your questions answered about this BIG PLAN most citizens know little about.
PANELISTS include:
1) Dave Maloney, former Chief of Fire Prevention at Oakland Army Base;
2) Dan Grassetti, founder of The Hills Conservation Network;
3) Peter Gray Scott, 1991 Oakland hills fire survivor who instigated The Grand Jury investigation of that fire
MODERATOR: Jack Gescheidt, TreeSpirit Project founder
7-10pm, Thurs. Nov. 19, 2015 @ The Oakland Center for Spiritual Living, 5000 Clarewood Drive, Oakland, CA 94618.
The Center is available for community service events with a range of views and opinions. Not all views and opinions expressed at events reflect the Center’s.
• PRESENTATION by Jack Gescheidt:
“Are Eucalyptus Trees Going To Kill Us All!?
So shouldn’t we kill them all first?”
Open Secret Community Center,
San Rafael, CA
7:30-9:30PM, Sat., Aug. 15, 2015
Join TreeSpirit founder Jack Gescheidtfor a timely presentation and audience discussion of issues involved in the controversial plan to cut down 450,000 trees in the SF Bay Area.
• “native” vs. “non-native species;”
• “invasives,” and “invasions;”
• “flammable eucalyptus trees;”
• “Invasion Biology” and;
• why all these phrases necessitate quotation marks — learn why their meanings are anything but clear;
• arguments for and against the heated 450,000-tree “hazardous trees removal” and “vegetation management” plan in the East Bay hills
• the infamous 1991 Oakland-Berkeley hills fire — its causes and how to prevent its recurrence
• audience Q&A; your involvement is encouraged
Open Secret Community Center & Bookstore
#923 C St. (betw. 3rd & 4th St., 3 blocks from the Rafael Film Center)
San Rafael, CA 94941
$10 Advance Tickets: call Open Secret w. credit card: 415.457.4191
$15 at the door
• Jack Gescheidt TreeSpirit PRESENTATION @ “RAW Artists” show, San Francisco, CA
Thursday, May 8, 2014
• Jack Gescheidt TreeSpirit PRESENTATION aboard The Paul Gauguin cruise ship to Fijian Islands in the South Pacific.
May 31-to-June 14, 2014