The great environmental writer, advocate and author George Wuerthner has taught me much over the years, including on the topics of about the devastating effects of the cattle industry on American land. And just how much public land is given over to the industry. And how badly cattle degrade land. And how much precious water …
Killing a Forest In Order to “Save” It A current (2023-24) forest “management” project to “restore” the alleged poor condition of a healthy, wild forest at Tomales Bay State Park, on the Point Reyes peninsula of west Marin County, CA, deploys Orwellian language to make claims to justify the project. Beginning with the project’s …
World leaders ignoring role of destruction of nature in causing pandemics – Damian Carrington, Environment editor, June 4, 2021 EXCERPT: Ending the destruction of nature to stop outbreaks at source is more effective and cheaper than responding to them, scientists say. The root cause of pandemics, the destruction of nature, is being ignored, scientists …
May 29, 2021 – America hasn’t done it yet – but France just did. Too much money and entrenched political power exercised by the meat & dairy industries for the U.S. government to take even these simple, reasonable, first steps France just took, encouraging people to eat more plants, and less meat, to reduce greenhouse …
The Bay Area Chapter of the Sierra Club has weighed in on the lethal National Park Service policy of keeping hundreds of rare, wild Tule elk inside a compound lacking adequate food & water. Any zoo doing this, keeping animals from …
MORE ACTIONS YOU CAN TAKE TO HELP THE ELK, including contacting politicians & officials, are near the bottom of this lengthy webpage. The Tule elk are only the largest, most visible Point Reyes wildlife species being threatened, harmed, and even killed by current NPS (National Park Service) policies which favor for-profit business operations in the park over the …
Want to get out from behind a desk and safely be outside in the natural world to actually DO something to help with your feet, hands, body, voice and heart? Sign up with the green button above to be notified of upcoming actions and events you can participate in. All demonstrations and actions are peaceful, organized, …
Take heart, fans of ancient redwoods!… The many hard-working citizens of Humboldt county (and myriad supporters from all over CA) who want to protect ancient redwood trees of Richardson Grove State Park – some over 1,000 years old – have won an important round in the long court battle with Caltrans. Caltrans is the state …
This famous, gigantic, ancient oak and its surrounding forest is threatened by a housing project. The community got involved…
The most recent large photo event to protect The Angel Oak Tree outside Charleston, SC, in May, 2011…