VIDEO: “Point Reyes Tule Elk Activists” |
5 years in 12 minutes
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In a relatively few years, a diverse, thoughtful group of committed citizen activists, national park supporters, environmental groups and animal protection groups, has resulted in the federal government officially changing this national park’s policy of fencing in its population of wild tule elk inside a 2,600-acre “Reserve.” Elk couldn’t roam free — inside a 71,000-acre national park unit! — to find food and water, so hundreds died.
The unnatural, “managed” confinement of hundreds of tule elk resulted in the slow, miserable death by starvation and thirst of over 500 elk in a decade — but all that has now changed.. because of the bold actions of hundreds of activists over about 5 years.
This short 12 min. video offers just a sampling of all the passionate public citizen demonstrations that attracted media attention, educated the broader public, and challenged the public relations mythologies and outright lies of the powerful dairy and beef industry lobby.
In December of 2024 and January 2025, their efforts resulted in changes to Point Reyes’ park policies that will result in thousands fewer cows in the park, and the tule elk finally being allowed to wander, and flourish.
READ MORE about the Tule elk issues, HERE.
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“Tule Elk Need Help” discussion
TreeSpirit’s Jack Gescheidt talks with Staci-Lee Sherwood of Reality Bites about recent developments with the ongoing community, environmentalist effort to remove private, polluting cattle operations from inside Point Reyes National Seashore, a national park unity just 20 miles north of San Francisco.
READ MORE about the Tule elk issues, HERE.
WATCH THE VIDEO discussion below:
TreeSpirit REALITY TV SHOW trailer.
The 1st reality TV show with an urgent environmental message — and big heart. An episodic documentary of TreeSpirit’s daring activism and environmental art, led by founder Jack Gescheidt
Each week Jack travels to a different tree or forest hotspot to make art photos of regular people brave enough to dramatically, vulnerably commune with trees — to protect them from destruction. A unique type of environmental activism with an urgent message: to protect and care for Earth’s irreplaceable trees and forests.
A project under consideration. By Cognitive Production & Development.
Chinese TV network SinoVision interviews Jack Gescheidt.
Jack talks trees — why they are so important in our lives and to our well-being — with SinoVision, one of the largest, most influential Chinese-language TV networks and Chinese language websites in North America. Director/Videographer, Tian He. July 2017
Volunteers Bring Water to Elk Dying in Drought – John Ramos, CBS-5 KPIX TV, Aug 28, 2021
Over 90 volunteers hiked 6 miles of dirt trail, hauling hundreds of gallons of water, into a drought-stricken wild elk Reserve at Point Reyes National Seashore because the National Park Service has been slow to act, protecting private cattle business while confining wildlife in a national park behind fences. Hundreds of the rare species, called “Tule elk,” have died in recent years and are struggling to survive.
LEARN MORE about the elk at Point Reyes.
Jack’s keynote talk at Arbor Day Foundation conference (excerpts)
Jack talks trees, deforestation, climate change and the crucial role trees play in the survival of the human species along with thousands of others species — and the most effective, direct action you can take, today, to mitigate the climate crisis — for the opening of the Arbor Day Foundation’s annual forestry conference. November 2018
TreeSpirit’s courageous, nature-loving participants earn TV attention by standing up for trees and forests all over:
• ABC-TV news covers the story at Richardson Grove State Park where 1,000-year-old redwood trees are threatened by a proposed highway widening project, Humboldt County, CA. Producer Jennifer Olney. September, 2011
Jack and old-growth redwoods defenders put their bodies on the double-yellow line of Hwy 101 in Richardson Grove State Park. By Navyo Ericsen, Sacred World Productions.
• ABC4 TV, Charleston, SC, reporter Valencia Wicker interviews Jack after the Angel Oak Tree photo (“Angels”). May, 2011
NBC5 TV news, Charleston, SC, reporter Deja Knight interviews Jack after the Angel Oak Tree photograph (“Angels”). May, 2011
The Post & Courier, Charleston, SC. Sarah Bates documents TreeSpirit at the ancient Angel Oak Tree of Johns Island, SC. Threatened by a development project that would cut down 40 acres of surrounding forest and fill in a wetlands, bold volunteers risked arrest with Jack to save this woodlands from destruction. May, 2011
NBC-TV & ABC-TV, SF Bay Area, CA. Over 75 participants joined Jack to support tree sitters who lived 2 years in The Memorial Oak Grove of Berkeley, CA. This last stand of native coast live oaks on the flatlands of Berkeley was slated for destruction—so a gymnasium could be built atop the active Hayward earthquake fault. March 2007
KRON-4 TV Feature Story, San Francisco, CA. Jack and The TreeSpirit Project’s roots in the San Francisco Bay Area, 2005
NBC 11 TV News Feature, San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Jack is interviewed before his TreeSpirit photograph in The Memorial Oak Grove in Berkeley, CA by reporter Jodi Hernandez. March 2007
In-depth interview with Jack about TreeSpirit, for photography fans, by November 2011
Jack Gescheidt, “RAW Artist” interview, 2014:
TV INTERVIEW with JACK on nude cruising: Australia’s “Weekend Sunrise” Co-hosts Monique Wright & Andrew O’Keefe. (Mouse over image above, click arrow at bottom left.) May, 2015
ABC-7 TV News Feature, SF Bay Area, CA. Jack is asked about downed trees in his wooded San Francisco Bay Area neighborhood by reporter Wayne Freedman. Dec 2015:
ABC-TV NEWS story: Jack comments on the needless slaughter of beloved, 70-year-old neighborhood friends — 100-foot-tall redwood trees — in Santa Rosa, CA.
“Progress” and “improvements” must no longer mean cutting down healthy, mature, carbon-sequestering, O2-producing, shade-making, animal habitat-creating trees. Treating trees as worthless, replaceable objects, as done here, is one big reason we’re in the ecological jam — global warming — that we’re in. Reported by Wayne Freedman. FEB 18, 2016.