…in the media: On Saturday, July 18th about 75 environmentalists gathered with me to stand up for eucalyptus trees, to challenge popular myths and misconceptions portraying them as, well, killers.
We made a daring new TreeSpirit photograph, “Eucalyptus Stand,” to dramatize the harmlessness and vulnerability (to human destruction) of eucalyptus trees which are, despite persistent non-science to the contrary, not “dangerously flammable.” They’re not monsters, they’re trees offering the myriad benefits ALL tree species do.
READ WHY cutting down 450,000 healthy trees in the Oakland and Berkeley hills will INCREASE fire danger: https://treespiritproject.com/eastbayclearcut
LEARN MORE at Community Presentation, this FRIDAY, JULY 31st, 7PM-9:30PM, Unitarian Church (BFUU), Historic Hall, #1924 Cedar St., Berkeley:
1) David Theodropoulus, Conservation Biologist
2) David Maloney, former Chief of Fire Prevention, Oakland Army Base, author of The Maloney Report;
3) Ken Cheetham photographs of affected areas and trees
INFO: http://www.dontspraycalifornia.org/wildfire.html
STAY TUNED FOR MORE. If the environmentally devastating clearcuts begin in August as planned, or if public outrage delays them, TreeSpirit may create a 2nd photo event, again to raise awareness of these cuts, motivated not by fire danger but by…Invasion Biology. READ HOW.
FIND OUT: 7:30pm-9:30pm, Friday Aug. 15, 2015 @ Open Secret Community Center & Bookstore, San Rafael, CA
TreeSpirit founder Jack Gescheidt hosts a lively evening of information, images, and audience dialog about California’s eucalyptus trees and the current controversy over the multi-million dollar plan to cut down hundreds of thousands of them. They are regularly labeled “invasive non-natives” and “fire hazards” in California, and currently targeted for eradication in the Oakland and Berkeley — so just how much danger are they? Why would so many people want to cut them down if they weren’t?
Come if you HATE eucalyptus trees and want to see these “invasive gasoline trees” all cut down.
Come if you LOVE eucalyptus trees and want to see them cared for like all “native” trees.
Come to surprise yourself, challenge your beliefs — and ponder how our beliefs are formed in the first place. You’ll never look at eucalyptus trees the same way again.
SUPPORT TreeSpirit IN THIS CAUSE of saving hundreds of thousands of trees from an environmentally devastating clearcut: http://www.gofundme.com/SFBayClearcut
For the forests, for all our sakes,
Jack Gescheidt, Founder
email Jack
Raising awareness of the crucial role trees play in our lives.