
This mother-to-be is, not surprisingly a tree lover, was held aloft this day by the tentacle-like branches of a much larger, older, mother-like being rooted to the Earth.

And yes, her husband was there.  He and I and helped her safely ascend this spectacular California Bay Laurel that drew its spectacular growth from a lake just a few yards away.  She sat securely, happily in place while I climbed higher for the dramatic downward angle I had scouted days earlier.

I’ve loved climbing trees since I was a kid, when the goal was to climb as high as I dared.  As a photographer, it’s to climb with camera to a vantage point to make the most compelling photograph I can find.

This was an earlier TreeSpirit image made with a Pentax 67 film camera, a medium format camera using 120 roll film that, back in the days of film, was popular among fashion photographers for being easy to operate, like a 35mm camera on steroids, with a mirror box allowing through the lens sighting and quickly choosing a compostion, while, for example, up a tree…
